Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yay Christmas is Over!!

What a whirlwind of things that have happened. We are still out of the hospital now and waiting for info on traveling to a new hospital. I finally heard back from Stanford University and they said they were the only hospital on this coastline that could help Baybe. The other option was seattle but they informed that there ketogenic epilepsy program is somewhat falling apart and close to non existant due to financial reasons. The referal has already been sent and all the paperwork now I just have to wait to hear back from Stanford to let us know when we need to be there. Im very nervous because I am going by myself with Baybeblue and I will miss my other two soo bad. I also cannot drive that far alone with Baybe so I am probably going to have to fly. I have not flown for over 12 years and never really planned on doing it again until now. I will know alot more after they call me back again hopefully tomorrow.

Christmas was amazing because we were all together and that was what we all needed. I planned on getting the kids a puppy this year from Santa but had a very difficult time finding the rite dog for us. It came down to the wire and one week before xmas I found a puppy jack russel and he was perfect. I went and got him and fell in love. His name was camo but I knew that I would let the kids name him so I just called him puppy. Then I realized that I had a week to keep him from the kids until xmas morning. I recruited my amazing neighbor bre to watch him for a week thank goodness. I went and got him when the kids went to school and dropped him back off before I got them from school. Then I started to worry about him getting attched where he was and how it wasnt fair to keep moving him so I asked bre to come ask the kids to watch "her" new puppy for a few days. Of course the kids were sooo stoked to do it. It was so funny to watch them ask her a million questions about where she got him and everything about him that she didnt know. The week with the puppu went great the kids were responsible taking him out and watching him they also feel madly in love with him. Xmas eve nite we were all hanging out and about 10pm taylor realized that he was gona have to give up the puppy in the morning back to the neighbor so he started crying and balling how much he loved him and didnt want him to leave. They named him LEO and they both were devasted about having to give him up. In the morning they had a big box waiting and while they opened it I slipped a bow on LEO. The box was full of puppy supplies then they looked over and LEO came running up right on cue with his big red bow. It was wonderfull, they were all very happy. LEO is also very happy here he has become very attached to his children Lala and Taylor. He follows them all over the house and has to be sitting with one or the other of them. Last night they both left for the first time and he was so upset whining at the door for them. He also has a hillarious relationship with Tbella. He runs circles around her and she gets so mad. But then all the sudden shele start playing with him back. they love eachother too. He is for sure the perfect fit for our family cute and a little crazy :).

We also had an amazing suprise on xMAS eve day my friends Donna and Tracy came over and brought presents for the kids and me too. I was so shocked. I knew they were gona bring sum stuff for the kids but they went above and beyond and really made our xmas so much better, I love them so much. I think they just may be my sign from god that I have been waiting my whole life for. They are the purest form of just good!

We had xmas eve dinner party here at the house then xmas day we went to my parents and did the huge family thing. Now its all over and it is time to get my head back on track for Cali. The only good thing about having to go to Cali instead of Seattle is that my good "friend" Joel lives right near the hospital so hopefully he will be a good support for me while im there. atleast I will feel like Im not totally alone. There is so much still to figure out with the kids and everything Im kinda starting to stress out but just gona take one step at a time. I know one thing that I appreciate all the family members that have been here to support us and let us know they will help out anyway they can. I also unfortuantely have to say that there are people that have made choices that will create a disturbance in the beautiful way the family has been flowing and those people will just be pushed away until they realize they need to worry about there own problems. I encourage anyone reading this to really think about how you treat your friends and family especially ones that are going through a hard time. I love you to all of my friends and family that are so strong and are helping us through all of this, I dont know what I would do without you all. I hope you all had an amazing Xmas and that you all felt the love that we felt this holiday season.

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