Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One more pneumonia

So Christmas is over and we are totally about the new year and a fresh start. We decided to use one of our Xmas gifts, a gift cert. to Olive Garden to enjoy some family time and have our own little New Years dinner. Layla, Taylor,Baybeblue, and I had a wonderful dinner and took some really funny pics. Then we went to the mall so the kids could spend there gift cert, they got for places in the mall. I was actually suprised that it wasnt that busy there and we had a nice time shoppin around. Then we went home and all struggled to stay awake till midnite then passed out!! We started out the New Year with Baybeblue still on a rocky course. She was having about 3-5 seiures a day which isnt that many but they were bigger than normal and sometimes I thought they werent gona stop. I was on the phone with Nuerology almsot everyday trying to figure out what we could do to get these seizures to chill out. They were making her upset enough to where she was crying for alot of the day after and before she had them. They told me they wanted me to try giving her a bolus dose of her depakote and extra 7 ml in the middle of the day and then reduce her topamax back to what it used to be at 1 1/2 pills instead of 2 wholle pills. by the next day her seizures were already better and she was way more alert. Then she all the sudden start sounding congested, then she starts coughing then comes the FEVER. Her oxygen level would not stay above 90% so her pulse ox was alarming continuously. I watched her closely and after 24 hours of that I had to put her back on her oxygen. she was on a liter of o2 and was still having fevers ranging from 102-104. I decided to call neuro again and Kristy told me that she needed to be seen if she was congested and was requiring oxygen again to make sure that she did not need antibiotics. She transefered me over to the pediatrics dept. and they said that I needed to take her right to the ER so off I got the kids off to school and we headed up to OHSU. After about an hour in the ER they told me that we would for sure be staying because she has a bad pneumonia so they were getting a room ready for us. 9 north rm 48 this time. We were really hoping that they would do they couple days of IV antibiotics and then they would let us go before her bday. Didnt quite workout that way even though she was getting better, not worse, she was still requiring oxygen and was still really congested sounding. So we had her bday in the hospital. We had lotsa visitors: My dad, Her noni, Auntie lissa, Aunt Donna, Aunt Cynthia, Auntie Hush, CHild life in the hospital got her a cake and made her a sign for the door and she got a bunch of presents and baloons. then her grandma and granpa showed up with her Daddy and her brother Tay. Overall it was a pretty good day considering we were in the hospital.

Over this time period I started out with a migrain headache on the day we were admitted which quickly turned into full blown nausia and vomiting and migrain. I was seen in the ER and they gave me nausia meds and pain meds and sent me on my way back up to her. The next day I was way worse and still throwing up, by the night time I was in so much pain I had to go back to ER. This time they did a cat scan and found a huge Cyst. They did a ultrasound to confirm and then gave me more meds and sent me on my way again. Now Im going on four day and still having extreme stomach pain. Its not a familiar pain,I dont think i have ever felt like this before.

We get to go home today so we are very excited. We got word from neuro right before we got here about Cali and they said that the referal had been sent so now it was up to them to call me. Im starting to think of how hard its going to be to travel with her. especially if she is still requiring oxygen. Cant wait to get home to my kids and my puppies and my bed. I am exhausted from trying to sleep in this place.

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