Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back to Life

The last few days have been pretty good. Baybeblue is having only 1 to 2 seizures a day and if I catch her and beat on her back then they are quick and mild, and if I dont stop it then she jerks and whines a little and is mad afterwards. She is rolling around and trying with everything she has to get herself up. Her hole in her belly is still oozing a little bit everyday and I notice if she rolls around alot it bleeds a little. She has started growing a little layer of extra skin around the hole that will need to be dried up and removed. I spent the last week getting all the supplies refilled and got new feeding bags just in time. I got all her perscriptions switched over from the hospital pharmacy to one that is close by and get them all filled and stocked up. The only things so far that the insurance company wont pay for is cotton balls for her diaper to check her ketones, alcohol pads to sanitize the area before I test her blood, rubber gloves to wear when I squeeze the pee filled cotton balls onto the test strips, the bloods ketone strips for a more accurate reading atleast weekly, and sanitized water, I am going to have to get a water service set up because I just think she deserves better than tap water. The guy that works at my tanning salon told me that in order to be a manager there they have to throw a fundraiser. He asked me if he could maybe do one for Baybeblue to help with any medical needs. I think that would be great to help get her one of the peices of equipment that she needs. He said they raise on average around 2000 dollars so this could be great for her. I would also like to use it as an oppurtunity to raise awareness of epilepsy somehow. I think that it will be cool and hopefully it happens, I will announce it on here for sure and make sure everyone knows about it if there is a fundraiser.

I apologize for being a little lagged about blogging the last week or so. I am going through some silly stuff mentally and I am a little off my game. I am a little depressed about my laptop so I havent been online very much and all the plans that I had for kids are not really within reach now that I dont have the financial stability of going to school. I really want to join the eastside athletic club so that I could take kids to do some active things with baybe by my side. They also have karate classes that Tay wants to take really bad and ballroom dancing that Layla is freaking out about. I have to figure out a way to make sure the kids can still do what they want and we can have healthy family fun. The pool would be the ultimate therapy for Baybe who is wanting to be so active but just cant yet.

I am going to add a video of Baybeblue playing with her favorite toy on the youtube strip. I think it will be a nice change for people to see how much she has improved and see her happy not having a seizure. Hope everyone is enjoying the heat and there families, Peace.