Saturday, May 23, 2009

Down n Out

Last few days I have been non functioning with a severe toothache. Thank goodness I already had pain meds for my hurt shoulder!! Its like now my body knows it has a break from school so its falling apart. Baybe has fully enjoyed me being able to do nothing but snuggle her. Everything is going really well with her so far. She is still having only 2 seizures a day on average and they are not as severe as before. She is developing quite an attitude though. SHe doesnt want to lay down anymore so she is constantly rolling around whining and demanding to be picked up. She also gets mad after her seizures and complains about it for a while when there over. Every morning she seems to wake up with a little more clearity to her stare. SHe is wide eyed and ready to do something, she just doesnt know what. I am excited to plan this summer and we already have our first trip planned in june so we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes well. I am taking my two best friends Tianna and Hush and my favorite boy besides my own kids Brannon. I will be mapping out trip to hospital from there, it looks like it will be seaside providence if anything goes wrong but were gona hope for an uneventfull relaxing trip. I am trying to plan as many things as possible so that I dont get into a funk with all the other crazy things happening around me. I wont mention names on here unless its a complement but there are several things hanging over my head right now that are weighing me down. Its just so hard to believe that with everything that I have been through with Baybe there are still all the other parts of life that can hurt you and get in your way. I am becoming somewhat of an introvert and I dont really like it. I need to figure out some fun things we can get out of the house and do that arent too difficult for Baybe. Its too bad that the one thing that we all loved to do is go camping and that is just not possible now with all Baybes electrical things she is connected to. I am going to have to come up with some alternatives. The beach house will be perfect though because it is really nice for Baybe and there is a pool for the kids and right on the beach for some crazy time and shell hunting. Im excited to watch hush try to fly a kite again. If you know her you would be laughing right now. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather that what were gona do today.