Thursday, August 13, 2009


So the reason why I was in so much pain after the surgery is because after another trip to the emergency room I found out that I also had a kidney infection. They pumped me full of antibiotics and gave me a bunch of pain meds and sent me on my way. The pain meds honestly never helped a bit the pain was crazy like worse than having a Baby. Then a few days later I ended up in so much fricken pain that I was crying and couldnt move I had no one to take me to the hospital again so I called 911. They gave me 2 shots of something strong called phenetoin or something and that did nothing to me. At the Emergency Rm they gave a total of 5 doses of dilaudid which is stronger than morphine and finally I was out. Unfortunately it was because they gave me a little too much and had to do a little freak out and wake me up and make me take some deep breaths and stuff. They came in the room and said, "you have a kidney stone". They gave me an 85% chance of passing it on my own in the next three days or I would have to have it removed surgically. Or I could go right now to Port. Providence and get it out now. Like an idiot I decided to try and let it come out at home. Laylas Bday was in three days and I still wasnt able to do anything. We ended up agreeing that it would be best if we postponed it to 2 weeks away so that i would be able to help. All this time the kids were taking care of me and themselves. My Dad came to the hospital when I was there and Ryan stayed with the kids but mostly it was the hardest thing that we have ever gone through. This whole time Im having these horrible flashbacks of being alone at the hospital the night of my appendectomy. I was out of it and being mean and trying to escape and the people that were taking care of me were being mean right back. I wish more than anything that I would hav had someone that could have been there that night. It was like taking over my thoughts for a min. I was really scared and confused and those people thought thats who I really was. The memories are kinda like a dream but I do remember them saying over and over again, "Mam you have to keep your robe shut, we have other patients!" I ended up letting lala have a couple girls stay the night on her bday since we werent doing anything and they didnt require me to get out of bed. That was a mistake too. I woke up in the middle of the night in the worst pain ever and I tried so hard to meditate and try to mind over matter bull crap and I was alone with all the kids and lalas friends were there and then Baybe woke up and puked all over me and all over the bed. I cleaned everything and got her back to sleep and couldnt handle the pain anymore so I called my dad. While I was talking to him all the sudden the pain stopped. I told him I would call him back and crashed out hard. I knew that I couldnt go through that again so I called and made arrangements to go have it removed. I had to have a neighbor give me a ride and annielaurie and my dad met me there and I went into surgery again. I woke up this time in pain again and they told me they put a stent in from my kidney all the way out by my bladder. I could feel it and it hurt bad. THen they told me that they didnt find the stone. I flipped out and demanded a ct scan to see where it went and although I pissed off alot more people I got the proof that sure enough the stone was gone. I was mad because I told them it stopped hurting and had asked before surgery why they wouldnt do a scan to make sure where it was before surgery. Apparently it passed somehow without me knowing inbetween the time I called and set up the surgery and the time I got there or maybe right when I got there and they made me pee. Anyways it was gone now and They wouldnt have even had to do the surgery. I apparently dont do good dealing with anastesia and my kids were suffering everyday staying with different people. Baybe seizures are still getting slightly worse every few days, and im thinking she will have to stay on the klonopin. So then just a few more days of absolute miserable pain with the stent in I find out that I actually have to go under and have full surgery again to have it removed. after switching times and days on me like 3 times I ended up back in the hospital for surgery on the 12th two days before my bday. I had to have my wonderful dad take me and ryan stayed with the kids til 1 then cholie watched them until 3 then annielaurie came and watched them until I got home from the hospital. Finally I was done had the thing out of me and with a little more recovery time I pray to god to never have surgery again. It is hands down the scariest most painful thing that I have ever been through in my life. I have a new appreciation for Baybes pain and all she has been through, I cant believe how tuff she is, way tougher than me. I tried finding online anyone who has ever had all these things wrong with them at once to try and find a connection and couldnt find anything or anyone. If anyone can I would really appreciate it I just cant make sence of why or how I ended up with appendicitis, kidney infection, and a kidney stone all at the same time. Time to get healthy and try to make up the rest of the summer to the kids. I am going to try to enjoy my bday tommorow the best that I can and then next fri I will throw lala her party if I can get it all together. Baybe has to get back to her therapy and she has a feeding clinic coming up in sept where they will give her another swallow study and see if she is ready to have some bites of stuff. I have reserved the condo for us to go to the beach the 23rd and 24th so as long as everthing works out wele have a little more family time before school starts sept 8th ahhh. early mornings and cranky kids trying to argue about clothes and homework cant wait. Lala is starting middle school so this should be an interesting year. Thank you to everyone that was thinking good thoughts for us through this time and please if you ever have a friend going through surgery go and be there for them, it really is alot more scary than most people would probably admit.