Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cant Forget our Amazing Thanksgiving

I didnt want to leave out sharing about what a wonderful Thanksgiving we ended up having even though we were at the hospital. First of all the Docs here must have worked very hard to get all the sick kids home for the holiday because the hospital was totally deserted. Our Day started out with a visit from my Dad who brought treats and visited for a bit. Then an amazing man that is the pastior at my friend Donna's church showed up to pray with me n Baybe. He was so cool and we had a wonderful visit. Then my sister and her boyfriend Steve showed up to visit and they looked great as usual :) Then Donna and Matt and her beautiful daughter Hannah came up with my sister lissa and they brought me some amazing food so I got to eat wonderful turkey and other stuff. We also had a great visit, Matt ran around trying desperately to fix the dvd player so I could play my new CD that my new girlfriend Donna got me of my favorite song by Jason Mraz. :) Yes I said you can be my girlfriend instead of my Boyfriend Donna :) She made me mini turkey lurkey sandwhiches which is exactly what I was craving and they were so good. We hungout for a while and then Steve and his girlfriend Randi brought up the boys Aries and Taylor. The boys couldnt come in so I went and walked with them while Steve and Randi watched Baybe. Haha they had to clean a very bad diaper while I was gone!! They also brought me food from Steves dads house so I for sure got plenty of food. Then to top it off my best friend Hush showed up to visit( the best friend that has been in apparent hiding for last few months) and we got to catch up. Overall I gota say I have never felt so loved on a holiday ever. I hope and pray that Baybeblue felt half of the joy that everyone brought me that day. I would of course rather have not been in the hospital but everyone sure did make it special for us. The only thing missing was not getting to see Layla my Diva. She was with her father and grandmother and It was there year to have her anyway so she had a good time but still wish we could have all been together. I shootin for xmas to have us all together warm and happy. Too bad were now hospitalized again and just praying that we get out in time to put up some decorations and salvage one holiday this year. I love you all, I hope you all realize what a wonderful thing you did for us on Thanksgiving, I will never forget this special year!!

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