Friday, July 31, 2009

Holy Appendix!!

Sunday we enjoyed a beautiful day at the park for a family reunion. All the family was from my step mothers side and were people we had never met or hadnt seen in a long time and was so fun. The kids reunited with old cousins and Baybeblue got to meet the whole family and everyone loved her. Monday morning at 5 am I woke up with a bad stomach ache. It hurt all over my belly so I thought I had goten sick from something I ate at the picnic. Over the course of the morning the pain seemed to get worse and didnt feel like it was gona go away so I thoughtI better get it checked out to make sure it wasnt the flu or something Baybe could get. I went to the emergency room because I dont really have a primary doc right now because of the insurance change to an open card. The docs asked a bunch of questions and honestly I thought it was gona be a gas bubble or something silly. They pushed on my stomach and I screamed out a death scream and lost my breath for a min and was instantly soaked with sweat. They took me for a cat scan and then I waited. A nurse came in and said so appendicitis huh? I was like what? he said oh they didnt tell you yet? I started crying and asked what that meant and he said I would have to go to emergency surgery and have my appendix removed. I was hyseterical and only had a few min to call as many people as I could and start writing down all Baybes directions for meds and stuff. No one answered there phones so i was freaking out and leaving messages. Finally I got a hold of my step mom kathy and she told me she would find my dad and be there right away. I dont remember much after that but I know everyone was there and my sister lissa took Baybe to my house for my first night away from her ever. Baybe seemed to do fine although you could tell she was confused and missed me. I woke up in so much pain the second day. I felt like they did something wrong to me. It looked so bad and still hurt really bad where my appendix was. The surgeoun got all defensive and acted like I was putting him down but really I was so out of it and in so much pain I couldnt even think strait. I left the hospital that day but woke up in so much pain the third day that I went up to ohsu for a second opinion. They said I may have popped a stitch inside coughing so I am now on a long painfull road to recovery. I cannot pick up or hold Baybe at all which is so hard on both of us. I am relying on the other two kids to help me with everything because I cannot move. I am having a hard time figuring out how to go get groceries and make dinners let alone clean the house. Im not quite sure how this fits into the everything happens for a reason category but wele ge through this too I guess. Im really bummed because Im suposed to be planning lalas bday party and then mine is the 14th but I cant do anything. Pretty much the whole rest of my summer is shot. Im on the best pain medicine there is and it still feels like im being stabbed everytime I move. Il put some pics up when I am feeling a little better, I have three nasty wounds!! I hope you are all having a better summer than us, love and peace.