Saturday, November 21, 2009

I cant even think of a title for this one...

We are still currently residing on the 9th floor of Dornbecher childrens hospital. Baybeblue has managed to get worse and worse each day that we have been here. She has the pnuemonia that has slowly been spreading and is now on both sides of her lungs. She has the Rhino virus which is just weakening her and also croup which is another lung issue. They also believe she has someother virus type things going on which is why they keep testing her blood over and over everyday. She has now even been re tested for the flu which we are still waiting on. She is now completely swollen from head to toe her little face is so swollen that her eyes are swollen shut. they are saying it is because of the fluids they are giving her and because her protien level in her body is too low so the fluid that her organs need is leaking out into her body space and not staying in the organs where it should be. The only way to fix this is to get protien into her but her feeds were dicontinued because of the g-tube problems. he G-tube is red and irritated but has also dialated itself so the contents of her stomach are just leaking right out everywhere. it even blew air out when I was cleaning it. they are now talking about giving her this fluid that goes Iv but has things that can go wrong with it so they dont like to do it unless necesary like this. If we dont get fluid into the organs that I dont know what will happen. She has also developed a rash that has taken over her face and is starting to cover her all over. They "think" that it is probably viral but it looks terrible and ontop of the swelling is very scary to watch her. They have started giving her new breathing treatments involving coming in and putting a machine around her whole upper body. the thing inflates and shakes her whole chest area really fast to loosen things then they suck her out like crazy. they also started doing albuteral inhaler treatments so I cant say for sure if it is really helping but they did get some junk out. When we first arrived to the hospital she was on 1 liter of oxygen to keep her stats up and over the course of the last week it has been bumped higher and higher and now she has been upgraded to a full face mask and her oxygen is now at 6 liters. In her whole life through all of her sicknesses she has never had to go over 1 liter, this is crazy. Her mouth is dried out and keeps bleeding from the oxygen and her poor little angelina jolea lips are al puffed out. We hav had non stop raging fevers and then we have had hypothermic points where her temp was too low and her blood pressure is now worrying them. her heart rate has been through th roof and her fingers and toes keep turning blue. I just want to pick her up and hold her but she is in so much pain that it just make it worse. She is whining and crying in pain when she wakes up so I have been making them give her pain meds here and there to keep her comfy through all this but she is so miserable. Im scared because I have never seen her this bad. I have never actually seen anyone this bad. I love her so much and My heart is just hurting so bad for her. Yesterday I lost it and had an a huge anxiety attack with chest pain and dizzyiness so I had to go downstairs and be seen. Basically they gave me some anxiety meds then I just wanted to get back to Baybe. Then is sat for the rest for the night with a migrain from crying. Today I am doing a little better but honestly not really. We have no idea whats gona happen and we have no idea how long we will be here. I have started a circle of prayer for her on facebook so if anyone is interested in adding me then just email me through here. Thank you all for your continued support love you all