Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another Day Another Virus

Happy to say that it has been very boring and quite around here, just the way we like it. Baybeblue made a new friend in playgroup named Carter and he is sooo cute. He is also about the same age as Baybe and has the same diagnosis even has infantile spasms. Baybe FINALLY got her new chair YAYYY !!! she is now officially rolling in style. She got to show it off at playgroup, it was so much better for her than her evil stroller :) Halloween went well, Baybeblue was a puppy dog. Layla was a gothic witch and Taylor was a mummy guy. We decided this year to throw a halloween party for all the kids to make up for lala not having a birthday party this year. It was for the most part a great success. The only thing that went wrong was that our whole goal was to scare the crap out of the kids and we couldnt pull it off. Nothing we did scared them. We even had a pitch black candy hunt in the backyard and had neighbor guys jump out and the kids were so worried about getting the candy that they didnt even care. We did not get one scream. We had a dance off, and apple bobbing and we all boogied down and made complete fools out of ourselves. I gota give love to my girl Cholie for helping me pull it off she was right there with me and I couldnt have done it without her. Then halloween night Taylor went with his Dad and Lala felt too cool to trick or treat this year so I let her have a friend over and we went out to Dinner with the girls. We chose the perfect place because everyone there was dressed up in great costumes and all the customers were pouring in wearing costumes too. I dressed like a Doctor and it was a very fun dinner. It was much better than taking Baybe out into the cold weather to trick or treat and she did start to have some increased seizures that were a little more intence than normal even 2 that involved crying a little. Over then next few days she came down with a fever and was having very rapid breathing. On the pulse ox machine her oxygen was barely staying at 90 and her heart rate was 140-160 which is high for her. I chose to ride this one out and not take her in unless it got worse than this point. Her fever was at 101 which doesnt alarm me too much. Over the next few days she remained lethargic and was having pain around her G tube like she always does when she is sick. Then all the sudden today she wakes up and is totally better, full of energy, and movin all over the place.

Hmm lets see... Taylor got hit in the eye with a football and scratched his cornia and Lala missed school for a head and tummy ache but other than that they have been doing very well. Lala is excelling on her Dance team and Taylor will be startin gBasketball any day at my old highschool :) I am doing great in school and have hit the quite smoking for a month mark and am feeling amazing because of it. It is true that you have more energy and your skin improves. I also have a special glow right now because of some one in my life that i have needed for a long time. I dont know how he does it but everyday he seems to make me a little happier. The kids are actually seeing there Mom really happy for the first time. Makes me feel like I have been in super grumpy mode for a while. I always try to be positive for the most part but with everything that has happened I really thought that I would never meet anyone that made me happy again so it feels very nice, I like it.

Still no word on the move, even though we now have her chair they still dont know what is going to happen and there still is not a home open right now for us. Im just hoping that they are not going to move us right at christmas time because it is already going to be a tuff one as it is. I hope everyone is staying healthy, tis the season for viruses so wash your hands like crazy and stay home if you have a cough. People with CP are having an especially tuff time staying healthy I noticed, That makes me very nervous for Baybe.

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