Monday, November 16, 2009

OHSU our second home

Yes we are back up at Doernbecher. Soooo... Baybeblue went and had her H1N1 flu vaccination at OHSU on monday. They had no regular vaccinations, only ones for high risk kids so Baybe got one. I watched her closely for the first two days like they said and I saw an increase in seizure frequency as well as intensity. She started having the old kind of seizures she used to have in her videos. Then she started having them back to back and having trouble breathing in between. I took her to the hospital on thursday because she was statting below 85 on her oxygen all night and her heart rate was very high. She had a fever and was just not looking well. At the ER they did a chest xray and discovered she had some junk in her right lung so they diagnosed her with asperation pneumonia and sent us home with antibiotic augmentin. Over the next few days and ove the weekend Baybeblue got progressivly worse instead of better. By Sunday she was struggling to breath and her alarms were going off constantly. I called the on call docs at ohsu and told them what was happening and they said to bring her back in right away. So at 4 30 on Sunday afternoon I made arrangement for my sister to come get lala and get her to school in the morning and had to take Taylor to his dads so he could take care of getting him to school in the morning and finally headed to the hospital. We spent the whole evening sitting in a room listening to children screaming. One little boy was in the waiting room was in so much pain he was screaming nonstop and they just left him out there. The mom was crying and Im willing to bet the kids elbow was broken or disconnected. Im just gona say if that was my son, I would not have been so patient. He was in more pain than I have ever seen a child. Anyways they did another chest xray and it looked worse than thursday so they tried another antibiotic in I.V. form and since she was requiring oxygen to breath, they told us we would be being admitted. of course I hadnt eatin all day and I forgot my phone charger but this is the way the game is played. I brought a razor and deoderant so thats one positive. Oh yeah and my new amazing mini laptop that is saving my life right now, I love it!!! Of course we didnt start figuring stuff out until midnight when they realized there was no one in the hospital that could make her formula so I had to go to a secret formula mixing room and make her formula myself while this guy and a nurse stood over me. The nurse was funny, we both thought it was ridiculous that there was only one useable scale in the hospital and it was guarded. Apparently having to do with budget and feds watching over everything the hospital does, I dont know, sounded kookoo to me. So I got the formula made and we got meds figured out and Baybe was not ready to go to bed. She is used to being next to me so she whined until I got in the bed with her and held her then she passed out instantly and so did I, Sorry Joel :) He was waiting for me to get back on computer. I woke up at 4 am and the nurse was standing over me so I got into the chair and slept a few more hours. So now we wait again. They are now saying that she does have a pneumonia, does not have any flu, but the not being able to breath is stumping everyone. She is struggling so hard to breath that she sounds like an old grandpa when there sleeping. her little belly and throat are just heaving like crazy. They tried to take her off the oxygen this morning and she dropped immediately so she is back on as of now and we will not be going anywhere until she is atleast able to breath ok without the oxygen. We are waiting for nasal cultures and blood cultures to come back and hopefully she will start getting better with this third kind of antibiotics that they are trying now. Send your prayers and good vibes, we need em all :) Love you all and eat something yummy for me, haha. Il be on facebook all day since my phones dead, if anyone wants to find me LOL <3 <3 <3

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