Saturday, October 24, 2009

Back Home

Yes, we are back home and doing very well. Baybeblue is recovering from whatever virus she had wele never know but it wasnt the flu so yay. She is still having a little congestion but no more fevers and her heart rate has been doing good as well. I havent seen anymore breath holding spells so hopefully this was a one time thing and hopefully its not something that happens whenever she gets sick now. We are taking it easy this week trying to get well so we did not do therapy and her playgroup got rescheduled since sammy got sick and hospitalized too :( I got word that Baybeblues wheelchair will be here anyday so I am very excited about that, cant wait to go pick it up. Which means that we will be moving very quickly here, Im kinda nervous and I really need some boxes.

I am doing great in school taking only 6 credits I am getting strait A's and I also have been pretty distracted by a boy lately. I know, I have no idea how I even found the time for that to happen but I am really happy I found him and I have a new huge burst of energy because of it. Also I quit smoking 19 days now and I have never felt better. The boy was defenetely a big help distracting me from the struggle of quiting. He doesnt realize it but I accredit him for how I got through it :) hopefully you will be hearing more about him.

We are planning a holloween party for the kids and there friends so anyone that would like to come let me know, we are gona scare the crap out of them it will be sooo fun. lol. All is well for now,I hope you are all well too. Wash your hands and stay home if your coughing!!

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