Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gearin up for Xmas, planning Baybes Bday Bash and, hiding from any sick people.

SO we all made it through Thanksgiving ok. Layla was still on antibiotics and pain meds that made her act super angry and ridiculous. She was so mad there wasnt pumpkin pie and she was very obvious about it which is unlike her. I have to admit I found it a little hillarious and everyone knew she wasnt herself so it was acceptable. Baybe did great and looked beautiful. We got lots of family portraits done by Kevin for Xmas gifts. All except our own family Pic. We seem to have the hardest time just finding the time and making it happen. Now the xmas struggle... saving and planning making sure the kids get everything they want for xmas. I already got my boyfriend his gift so no worries there and I know what I want,, just to be all together happy and healthy so all I really care about is the kids and my family which just happen to be the most difficult people to buy for. My Dad especially. Hes a cowboys fan but Iv given him every darn cowboys thing I can think of including a peice of there stadium from when it was torn down. Hes a bbq guy but has everything for it and anything else he could want he would have already bought because he can! My Mom Kathy is easier she likes specific smell good stuff and enjoys anything pampering like. Now my sister Emily she is everything natural, totally religious, super smart and about to become a full psychologist and have her own practice so.... its all so hard because I want to get people stuff they want and need but my budget not so great. We Did get the tree and its up just havent finished decorating yet and we are rollin in the xmas decorations.
NOW its almost time for Baybeblues bday bash and not only do we get to have it at CHUCKIE CHEESE and get part of the proceeds of the night but UCP will be recieving our donation in Baybeblues name and will be attending the party as well. I applied to this amazing company that makes cakes for special needs kids and they accepted us so we will have an awsome cake for Baybeblue and hopefully alot of other things I have in the works will come through for us. I want to make this the best bday she ever had since its the first one she will be aware is going on now that shes off the meds. Last year she didnt wake up the entire party but this year shes gona have so much fun!! Im excited and I hope to see so many new faces at the party. Remember mark your calenders anytime between 3-9pm on 1/11/12 at chuckie cheese on powell make sure you tell the cashier that you are there for baybeblue and UCP will get part of the procedes. Please contact me by email if you have any interested in donating anything to her party. we are looking for a face painter and someone to hire or dress like strawberry shortcake at the party any other ideas welcome we will even except things to rafffle off to earn extra money for swimming pool therapy equipment for Baybeblue. Thank you and love you all.

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