Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I will be thankful to have Thanksgiving!!

I hate these new seizures Baybeblue is having. I am thankful that they are short and dont effect her in any other way I can tell but that they make her cry this horrible fearful sad cry. It breaks your heart to hear. Shes fine right after them and goes right back to what she was doing. So for now I have been able to focus my attention on the other problems arising around me. Taylor first started with the stomach problems and his ticks have become more noticable now that hes finally to the age where the kids around him dont all look there having ticks. Meaning in elementary school all the kids were nuts they couldnt sit still and they were all picking there nose or playing with something they shouldnt, now all the kids are calming down and there noticing Taylor's tics. He has tourets and his teacher didnt know and wrote him referals for tapping his pencil and tapping his toe. Of course they were discarded when the dean saw them but I used it as a oppurtunity to raise awareness about disabilities such as tourets and epilepsy. Any how I had to get them to give Taylor unlimited bathroom use because of bathroom issues which doctors accredited to the stress that is being caused at school. So that will be the next thing on my list to deal with. Now Layla walks in my room and she is white as a ghost and her lips are gray, hair standing strait up and says I cant stop puking and my right side hurts really bad..... So because it was a Sunday off to the ER we went. I specifically asked them to do an ultrasound to rule out appendix or kidney stone and just like most doctors he did not like me making suggestions so he refused to check and just tested her urine and sent off her blood for further tests. They came back and said she had a bad kidney infection and UTI so they kept her for the day and gave her IV antibiotics and released us with meds to get better at home. Meanwhile they said she should be feeling better but her pain is getting worse so I have been calling doctors all day trying to find out if I should take her back in. Im so mad they didnt just do the ultrasound while we were there. Now I either have to drag her and Baybe outside in this horrible storm to back to hospital today or wait and maybe have to spend thanksgiving in there :(((( That would devastate me because of the family issues right now I probably wont be seeing them next Thanksgiving. Right now Im waiting for my second opinion Doc to call back. The first one said to wait until tonite and if shes still in pain then bring her in.... I dont want to stay in the ER all night. We were planning on having people over here the day after Thanksgiving and now theres now way Ill have time to prepare. I am thankful we are all together and that makes me happy but they all 3 really need me right now and I kinda think I might need a little extra help too. I love being in love but it isnt always perfect and it sucks when its not perfect when you really need it to be.

Good news is Baybe got a new walker and I think she likes it. Taylor started basketball and I think he will do well this year, I went to highschool with his coach. Layla has been bustin butt at school and we havent had any drama since she decided having a boyfriend was no longer cool... YES!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, be thankful for every happy moment you have, you never know what life is gonna throw at you next Love Always and Forever Cyndy.

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