Saturday, June 6, 2009

Post surgery scar infection??

Over the last week Baybe got this little scab at the top of her scar and now it has turned into this. I am praying that it is not infected but I dont really know what else this could be. I have talked to the doctors and they said to keep an eye on it and call if it gets worse or she gets a fever and to have her seen on monday. Other than that everything has been going really well. I added a few videos of Baybe learning how to play with her new toys and even one of her first official crawl on her back. Ok well the second cause the first one wasnt on video. I havent goten any videos of her seizures now because when they happen I am so on top of patting her back and dancing her arms around then its over. She is still only having 1-2 a day and that is allowing her to advance so much. she is rolling all over and trying to talk and playing with her toys. She wakes me up by yelling at me and kicking me in the morning and alot of the time in the middle of the night. She likes waking up at 4am and being all cute and then as soon as Im wide awake she passes out. Its like she wants me to stay awake while she sleeps. Then it takes me hours to get back to sleep. I gota say it is all worth it for the big smiles I have been getting everytime she wakes up, she is so happy to be awake. She is restless and does not want to be laying down . I got some good news that when they were taking orders for my supplies I asked them to run the blood ketones checker strips again and it went through so the insurance paid for it and Baybe got her strips. I had trouble with the 500 ml bags they sent me for her food so I had to call and they were really cool about it and sent me out the bigger 1000 ml bags. I dont know why but the smaller bags clog way easier and they were holding alot of the thick cream in the formula at the end of the bag so she was not getting it. THe big ones work so much better. We have a big week of appt's for Baybe and then we are gearing up to head to the beach. I need everyone to cross there fingers for great weather otherwise Baybe will be stuck inside all week. Also we have a feeding clinic for one of our appt's and we will get another swallow study and we are gona hope everytime for improvement. She has her first real dentist appt and a therapist party at my house with physical, eye, and speech therapist's. Im still mourning my laptop and trying to figure alot of other little problems out but overall things are pretty good. I got a real wake up call when we had the storm scare the other day. I had to move all the kids into a room with no windows like they said and I started realizing how much stuff Baybe needs that if there ever was a real emergency it is going to be so hard. I cant ever just grab her and run, she is hooked up to stuff. I hope everyone has a good day and hopefully the beautiful weather will come back.

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