Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Exciting news and Bad news

So the good news first... My tanning salon yesterday met Baybeblue and decided that they want to do a fundraiser for her. The Tanning salon is called Sunsup in milwaukie that is where I have been tanning for the last year. Out of everything that has happened, tanning is the one thing that I do for myself that makes me feel good and feel like I am still a real girl. The only time that I have not been able to do this was the couple months that I was hospitalized with Baybe. When we got out I filled out a form asking to not have to pay for the 2 months that I did not tan at all because I couldnt. They still havent responded about that but in the process they learned about Baybeblue and made the offer of the fundraiser. I think that is so amazing ya know everytime I start feeling low someone I would never expect reaches out and touches my heart. Im not too worried about the 2 months of tanning since it is such a great deal at under 20 bucks a month and it is totally worth it for what came out of it. They said they will try to get other local businesses involved too so I will let every one know more info when I get it.

Now the bad news... Although Baybes surgery scar is looking better, she is for sure getting sick. She is running a fever again today of 102. SHe has to take only rectal tylenol for fevers because she cant have the sugar and carbs that are in the liquid and of course she pooped it out as soon as I put it in and I couldnt even find it so looks like were riding it out for 4 hours. I cant give her more because Im not sure if she got some of it or not in her system and Im not gona overdose her so Il wait till time for the next dose. She is congested which isnt completely abnormal due to her asperating everything but I can tell its a little worse than normal. She is also acting like her tube hole hurts which is what she did last time she got sick. Then Layla get up this morning and she totally has that nasally sick voice thing going on, she was fine going to school but ahhhhhh. We have plans to go to the beach this weekend and it is probably the only cool thing we will do this summer and 2 out of 3 kids are sick so far. I can handle it if no one gets any worse but Baybe is at such high risk for getting pnomonia that it could really cancel our trip if she gets worse we could end up back in the hospital. On a scale from 1-10 one being the best, last time we were hospitalized she was a 8 and Id say right now she is riding between a 6 and a 7. SO yeah Im a little worried. Luckily she has dr appts before we go so I know she will be checked out really good anyway. Gota go get ready for therapy hope you all have a good day and wish us luck.

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