Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a Beautiful Day

Things have been going good since we have been home. Baybe is having 2 seizures a day on average and becoming more and more alert everyday. She actually started crying a little today and stopped when I picked her up, how amazing to feel like she just wants to be held and is able to tell me. Her congestion is clearing up a little more everyday and no more fever. During her seizures she is still crying at the end from the jerks but I am able to comfort her and calm her which is good. Its so crazy that she doesnt have the seizures all the time. I didnt even realize how frequent they really were until they slowed down. Baybe is enjoying very much her little tasts of jello on her binki a few times a day pretty sure strawberry is her favorite. Today we got up and went to the park and then to the pet store to get our turtle Franklin a new tank. We had an amazing time and Baybe did great being out. It was the first day that I just got up and realized that I could just go spend time with them because nothing else was happening. The turtle is soo happy with his new crib, and he deserves it hes like 15 years old. Layla is trying to talk me into letting her start her own blog. Im not sure how I feel about it, she wants to tell her point of view of the Baybeblue story like from a sibling perspective. I will let you all know if I decide to let her. Taylor is doing great, we had our first serious girlfriend boyfriend talk and he shared his first kiss story with me. Im so screwed. He is only in third grade and already stuck on girls. I just told him all about mouth diseases and how if he gets one then no one will kiss him, and made him promise, I will always be his number one girl. But Im pretty sure Im still screwed. Layla I think would probably beat a boy up if he tried to kiss her. My new idea is to start training my chihuahua T-bella to detect Baybes seizures. I got some really good treats and everytime Baybe has a seizure I am going to call Tbella over and give her a treat and have her stay for the seizure. Then hopefully with time Tbella will get excited before Baybe has a seizure cause she thinks she is going to get a treat, that will alert us there is a seizure coming. Dogs are know to detect seizures and they can smell a scent that is released from a person about to have one. Tbella is super smart too, she also has videos on my youtube where she is singing. That is one of her many talents. I think you can find the videos by typing in her name on youtube or going to my youtube page by clicking on one of Baybes vidoes while it already playing. They are really funny. I am going to hangout with the three coolest people I know and have a good night. Hope you all do too.

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