Monday, May 18, 2009

All About the Ketogenic Diet and Other Diagnosis

I thought this article from described the diet pretty well for all those that are interested in learning about it.

Also Check out: This is a website made by the parents of a child with the same condition as Baybeblue

And: This is info on infantile spasms itself which is Baybeblues main diagnosis right now.

And: This is a website explaining Baybeblues eye condition that prevents her from seeing.

And: This explains her condition effecting her muscle control cerebral palsy.

Hope these are helpful in understanding what we are dealing with.

By the way---- BAYBEBLUE DID NOT HAVE A FULL SEIZURE YESTERDAY. On May 17, 2009 she had two small episodes that were like she was going to have a seizure but it didnt go fully and she didnt cry at all!! That is the first day in as long as I can remember that she has gone this long. Im so scared and excited at the same time. I am excited that this could have really worked and Baybe can have some relief but at the same time I know not to get my hopes up or let my guard down. Today marks a positive point regardless so I am celebrating. She is becoming more aggressive in her actions everyday and last night she wouldnt let me put her down. SHe would whine and then I would hold her and she would pass out. Then I would try to set her back ddown and she would start whinig again until I held her. I dont even understand how she knew since she was asleep. She rolls so hard into me at night that she ended up pushing me to the edge of the bed and smothering her face in the pillow. I keep rolling her back over onto her back and she just rolls right back torwards me. I love it, but I need a bigger bed eventually. For now I have her baby mattress on the floor in the living room and at night I lay a mat next to her to sleep. She is rolling off her bed onto my mat and pushing me off. I will add a pic of how I woke up this morning.

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