Monday, May 11, 2009

Re-Admitted at OHSU

My Beautiful Children

So after friday night things just got progressively worse. She started acting like something was hurting her everytime I moved her or even rolled her onto her side. The fever continued and her breathing got increasingly worse. Saturday after recovering from our late night trip to the E.R friday taylor decided to fall and really hurt himself. He fell getting into my van and bent his foot and hurt it. He cried most the night and slept right by me so when he fell asleep I grabbed his foot to see if it was really hurt and he screamed out in pain. OOps I guess it really hurts. I would have taken him to the hospital if I wasnt worried about how bad Baybe was doing too and it was a very overwhelming feeling. It was the first time that I had to deal with more than one child injured or hurt at the same time. I couldnt focus on my schoolwork or anything else for the rest of the night. Sunday for mothers day I woke up and took all the kids to the ER in milwaukie to get tays foot xrayed. They said it wasnt broken but badly sprained so he would need a special boot and crutches until it didnt hurt to walk, so crutches and all we went and had our pictures taken and they turned out great except I can tell Baybe doesnt feel well in the pics. All night sunday night to monday morning her pulse oxygen alarm was going off continuously because her oxygen level was too low. When I got up Mon morning she looked very pale and sickly and was breathing very hard and moaning in pain. I went to move her and her feed pump line had pinched itself under her booty so it blew the seal and had been leaking under her diaper all night. Luckily non got on her because it was right under diaper but it soaked deep into my bed and the new pad I bought for her to help from bed sores. I called the doctor and kristy heely but she was getting worse and I didnt want to wait for calls back so I just took her back to the E.R. We arrived at about 10am and got right in. Her fever was 102 and she was having a very hard time breathing. They put her on oxygen and her level went up to around 95 which is still not 100 but better than 75-85 like it was before. They said her lungs sounded really tight and they wanted a chest xray and a treatment of albuteral through a nebulizer to help her breath. After the treatment they sound she sounded a little better but not great. She also developed more of a rash on her arms and legs and chest and was still very pale. They tested for the flu and for RSV which thankfully neither one was positive and the chest xray looked pretty good so now what? They gave her another treatment of albuteral and again she sounded a little better but not great. They told me we would have to be admitted until there figured out what was going on and she was breathing on her own again. So now she admitted back at Doernbecher in the same wing as last time although somehow there is all new doctors. I had to tell this whole story over again and answer a million questions and finally just got a chance to stop for a min and it was already 7pm. They gave her another treatment of albuteral and said they were going to give her some steroids to help her lungs, and respitory therapy would be coming in every two hours. They swabbed her for a few more tests and now we wait.

I had to pick the kid up from school early so I wouldnt have to worry about having no one to get them and they are really bummed. I feel like im in the twilight zone after how long we have stayed in this hospital it is really weird having all new nurses and doctors. I havent really felt that same sense of warmth that I felt before yet this trip. Im going to snuggle up my Baybe now and maybe catch up on some schoolwork that I have since I am so far behind now that this weekend was so full of STRESS that I got nothing done. Send us your love have a good night.

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