Saturday, May 9, 2009

Back To E.R.

Last night at 8pm Baybebluewoke up from a nap and felt a little warm to me so I got the thermomater and started changing her diaper and she turned totally pale and started shaking all over. she lost all the color in her face and lips. She was shivering but like on the inside of her body like a vibration. I tool her temp and it was 101.9 so I called the oncall pediatrician at OHSU and she said she knew Baybe and said if anything got worse like her fever or her overall staus than to bring her in to the ER. I waited about 20 min and then took her temp again and it was 103.9. I called my sister who was out to dinner with my mom and they came back as fast as they could and then I took her temp again and it was 104.3. I called back oncall doc and got a different one that didnt know Baybe that actually asked me what my question was after I explained everythingto her. I said never mind and decided I needed to just take her in. Layla and Taylor got really upset and they didnt want to leave but I had to send them with my sister Lissa to stay night and my mom came with me so that I didnt have to drive in the dark with Baybe alone. Taylor was crying by the time he got into the car and It really broke my heart. We had just got pizza and movies and everything has been going so well that it was just a big blow to them. LAyla left a note for her Dad that read... Baybe had to go to the hospital again she is having muscle spasms and full ketones!! I guess I need to be a little more clear with them of what is happening so they understand but her explanation is very cute.

We got to ER and one nurse came in and barely stuck the thermomater under her arm and took her temp. It said 99.0. I felt her all over again and after waiting ten min or so I went and found a different nurse and asked her to come take my daughters temperature right. A little bit of attitude later and she came in and did a temp and it was 102.5. IDIOTS. Anyways now they gave her some tylenol which has to be a cirtain kind due to diet and we waited again forever. They tested her pee and checked her out and everything looked good. They checked out her little rash and her tube whole which was lookin a little red today so I was hoping that wasnt infected, but nothin. Her fever went down and at 2 am they sent us home with some more special tylenol and told me to come back if she got worse. So Im glad she is ok just add it to the mysteries that are Baybe.

Today I have to do more schoolwork than I ever had to do before. It sucks cause I just want to spend time with kids today and tomorrow is going to be crazy but Unless I want to do school work on mothers Day or start of another week behind then I gota go. Peace and Love!

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