Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hope you kept your fingers crossed

Today is the day we get to go home again, if everything goes good today. Im getting a little sad because I have gotten a little attached to the people here. There are a few nurses that have really just made me feel good being here and I wish there was something I could do to show them how much it means to someone like me in this kind of situation. Im sad because I havemade this room my home and its just gona be scary not being able to call the nurse when something weird is happening. Last night Baybe woke me up at like 4am having a seizure but she was just screaming out these high pitch squeels and screams. Everytime I thought the seizure was over it would start back up. It lasted 5 min and then stopped and we went back to bed. Then Iwoke up a few hours later, its always weird when you wake up and open your eyes and there is three strangers standng by your bed poking at your baby. I felt myself laugh out loud a little and then roll back over and passed out. Yahh I got to sleep in til 8 and I feel good. I got up and started packing and now Im gona wait for the specialists to come and train me to do everything. Please pray for us today that we really get to go home and that I can remember everything they tell me and that we stay home for good. The other two kids really need me, they are falling apart. Taylor cries everytime we talk or he has to leave here and texts me over and over that he wants to be at home with me. Layla needs some mommy attention. Love you all, Thank you for your support.

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