Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear Doernbecher and OHSU staff that have helped Baybeblue,

So we are being discharged today and I’m really baffled by the way I feel. I should be so excited to get home and really I am, but somehow down deep I feel like my heart has another plan. See, I met these amazing people that somehow manage everyday to take the darkest situations in the most uncomfortable environment and they made me feel at home. They think that I am so strong but they have no idea that it’s them that gives us strength.
When you go to the hospital because your child is ill you become completely vulnerable, you have no choice but to trust that people caring for your child are honest, sincere, and haven’t just come from a horrible home situation themselves. I have had prior experiences and I know there’s no way they can teach caring in medical school, that comes from inside.
So I’m scared and I’m sad. It’s obvious why I’m scared. I have a lot of responsibility to take on when I get home, even more than before and I don’t have a button to push for help. So why am I sad…. I’m sad because I’m leaving. My faith in people and the medical system was crushed before I got here, I didn’t want anyone to touch my child ever again. Now my faith has been renewed. There are people in this world that can ruin your whole day just by giving you one bad look and honestly that is more common than not. You all choose everyday to walk in here and make me feel safe and welcome and like we are all working for a common goal to save my child. I can’t say I’m glad for the bad experiences I had before but It has made it so clear how hard you all work everyday to make positive things happen. I just cant express how relieved I am to have found you all and how much I have grown to care about all of you as well. You have a superstar team with your pediatricians (Dr Newmeyer), neurologists (Jason, Dr Roberts, and the rest of the team), your social workers, discharge planners, Kristie Heeley, amazing team of dieticians, the Xray and mri and swallow study people, Physical and Occupational therapist, and all of the Nurses and nurse aids. I love you all and I appreciate you all so very much. I hope you all know at the end of the day (or morning) how much you are apart of so many lives. You are helping people through the hardest times of there lives. I hope I won’t be back anytime soon, but If we are I know we will be in good hands and that gives me strength. Thank you all for making me a stronger, better person from getting to know all of you.
Love Always,
Cynthia & Baybeblue Campobasso

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