Friday, April 24, 2009

Baybeblue's Surgery for G tube

I woke up on the day of surgery and was told right away that the surgery would be scheduled for one oclock today so they would be up before 2. I text messaged my family and friends to let them know and finished waking up. All the sudden the nurse walks in and says there is an opening in surgery so there gona come get her now. I started freaking out. I held her and loved her and put holy water all over her and prayed as hard as I have ever prayed before. They came and got us and I carried her down to surgery walking beside her bed. We got there and they told me that I signed consent for open surgery no the laproscopic like I had thought. They told me that the surgeon wanted to talk to me. I got to meet him and I cant say he made me feel that much better but he said he thought the safest way to do it was to open her up for the surgery and then put the tube in so there would be two big holes that have to heal instead of one big hole and two small ones. I was stressed about it but had no choice but to listen to him and go along with what he felt was best. They let me hold her while they gave her calming meds so she wouldnt remember leaving my arms and as she went limp I had to hand her over to complete strangers that were going to cut into her beautiful little belly. I took a picture of it right before because now she will always have scars. I lost it when they took her, the feeling was overwhelming. I couldnt catch my breath and I cried so hard I couldnt keep it quite. I ended up getting sick into a bucket that was full of syringes, oops. I walked around and smoked a cigarette and the thoughts wouldnt stop racing through my mind then thank God my Daddy showed up. We got food and then they announced over the speaker that a car left there head lights on. After listening to the description he realized it was his and had to walk forever to go turn them off. That was hillarious to me, I needed that. We walked back to the waiting area and she was out of surgery, 5 min then we got to go back to be with her. She looked drugged but good and her surgery was bandaged so I couldnt see anything. They said she did great and although there was blood coming out her tube she would be fine. We had to leave the nose tube in for a day to drain the blood that is in her tummy from the surgery. Pics are of before and after surgery.

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