Monday, January 10, 2011

Not enough hours...

It has been a crazy last few months, I cant believe how fast it has gone by. first let me start off by recapping... Christmas was awsome, It was our first xmas having Kevin with us and it was my first xmas not single. :) Basically everyone got what they wanted, we somehow fit time with every single part of the family including kevins family who I LOVE!! and most importantly and amazingly everyone was as healthy and happy as we could be. Then comes New years by this time everyone else was doin fine but i had injured my shoulder and got a kidney infection so I was in bed for New Years, but we had extra kids over and still had a perfect midnite. Now its time to bust butt and make everything amazing for my daughters big day. flyers have been made and distributed, a very wonderful women offered to buy a cake for the party so we got that, Ohsu announced the event, black rock and a few other businesses already have said they are making donations and even whn we got the flyers printed they saw what it was for and gave us them for free :) The kids both took flyers and passed them all out at school, and now...Baybeblue gets sick. She hasnt been sick for months and all the sudden she starts throwing up, then the next day she has a fever and sleeps all day, no more pretty smiles today :( today is day three and we were up last night trying to suction her out and had to pull out the pulse oximeter and monitor her stats all nite, which sat at around 93 which is ok as long as it doesnt go any lower. I REALLY dont want to have to bust out the oxygen too. Im just hoping and praying that she is ok tommorrow, I wont make her miss the whole party, but she wont be able to stay if shes throwing up or has a fever. So sad, the one thing i cannot control, is the one thing i want the most. I just wanted her to hav an amazing day so bad. Now even if she makes it there i dont know if shele be able to enjoy it. Today will be about all the final arrangements and tomorrow will b Baybe spa day, I have committed to myself to have everthing ready today so that i can focus on only her tomorrow. See you all there :)

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