Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Orthodics

So the last week has been busy and good for the most part. Baybe got her new orthodics thing that helps align her hips so she can sit up better. It is sort of a crazy contraption but it actually makes her sit up way straiter. I had taken a few pics of her sitting in my rocking chair before and then took some after with her wearing the orthodics and she is sitting so much taller. She was apparently very comfortable wearing it too because she passed out for about 30min after I took those pics. If you compare the before and after just look at the height of the arm rests on the chair.

I made the plan to protect Baybe by getting everyone in my household vaccinated against both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu virus. She is high risk for complications and cannot get the flu or it could be very bad. I was first to go and get the regular flu shot and it was, yes painful but, not that bad. Until later in the evening all of the sudden I felt sick and within an hour I had a fever of 101 and was in bed shaking freezing and every muscle in my whole body hurt so bad. I even had this crazy pain in my fingertips. The other thing is that I tasted it when they injected the meds and they said that wasnt normal. I tasted it on my tongue and in the back of my throat. So then I was tossing and turning all night, woke up at 3am and my eyes were stuck shut with stuff. My eyelashes were stuck together and I had to wash them to get them clear. 2 days later now and I am still having respitory issues, my chest is tight and if I take a deep breath it hurts and I start coughing. And the best part is that Im suposed to go get another one?? And Im suposed to take the kids to do this?? Im kinda confused now.

Baybeblue had someblood work today at OHSU to check her liver and kidneys and to check her valporic acid level. I was nervous how she would react because she hasnt been poked for a while but she slept right through being poked twice. This is a big deal because we will see if all the meds and the diet have been having any effect on her poor little body. Hopefully the acid level is good too because I do not want to have to raise her medication doses right now, I want to get to the point where we can reduce it. Meanwhile over the last few days Baybe has been having some extra activity involving her eyes. At first I thought it was seizure related but now Im pretty sure that she had something in it that was irritating it enough to trigger her eye seizures. Its better today. The other day she didnt open her eyes for the whole day. She kept waking up but she just whined with her eyes closed and kept rubbing them. Today she is back to normal. We are getting closer and closer to getting her chair and Im looking very forward to her next playgroup. Shes been so cute lately she keeps whining like she does for her binky but then she keeps spitting it out and she wants to snuggle or be held. She is so perfect and sweet I wish I could just hold her all day. Its gona suck when she is too big for me to pick up, that will be sad.

other two kids got new hair colors, I will add pic of that as well, They love it. They have both started out the year well and have made some good friends and ovcourse some not so good ones. Layla is taking Spanish and Theatre so she is getting all worldly on me. She is excelling on Dance Team and wants to start learning tennis. Today she explained to taylor how he is too old now for a charactor birthday cake. She said childish things are only ok 2 times in your life. One when your under like 6 or 7 years old and then again when your over 21 cause then its funny and cute. she is like crazy smart and she chuckles when she heres adult type jokes that blows my mind. Not only does she get the joke but she now finds true humor in the jokes. Its hard to explain but it is a real turning point. Junior high was crazy and I have flash backs when I sit and watch her with her friends. Taylor is going to start the highschool jr basketball league in a few weeks and is obsessed with spending time with all the little boys in the neighborhood.

I added some new videos on the side that are mostly for the therapists that were there working with her, and because of my crappy laptop I am unable to watch them. They show baybes progress in her therapy just in the last few months. Hope yall are gearin up for halloween, My favorite holiday besides xmas. I cant decide if Baybe should be a teddy bear or a fairy. :)

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