Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hi Everybody!!

Well I finally feel back to myself, Baybe is back on trac with therapy and were very excited to be starting a new playgroup through her therapists where she will get to interact with other kids her age that are like her. It is also going to be a great opporunity to meet some other moms. Layla started on a new Dance Team and I start school monday, not sure exactly yet what Tay is going to start doing its been a toss up between soccer, karate, and football, although I think it will all come down to what is available on the days we arent already busy. Baybe is doing really well and is now only having several episodes of eye fluttering a day. For the most part she has gone almost a week without a single jerk. We did have the swallow study done and unfortunately the news was not great. They started out with different consistancies of this stuff that glows on the live x-ray. THe thickest texture is first which resembles pudding. She swallowed two good size bites in one swallow with no asperation, and I was very pleased about that. Then on the third bite she struggled and had no swallow responce so after it teetered in the back of her throat for a minute part of it then slid rite down into her lungs. They stopped the study there and approved her for two bites of something very thick every few days. Now finding something like that on the ketogenic diet would be the challenge. THen they wanted to see what was happening when she had jello off of her binky which is her favorite thing in the world and the only taste she is allowed. THey dipped her binky in liquid that also glows and when I put it in her mouth the liquid sat in her mouth for a few minutes while she sucked away on her binky she never swallowed. It also teetered back and fourth with her sucking on the binky and then also slid down into her lungs. They said sorry NO MORE JELLO. This is bad, she loves her jello, she whines for her jello. Luckily she did well. She whined for one day then seemingly forgot about it completely. I have since talked to the dietician and for her occasional 2 bites she is allowed she has been cleared through the diet to have baby food meats n gravy and some baby food veggies like carrots and green beans. I havent done it yet though cause it kind of feels like it will just make her more upset because she is not going to want to stop at 2 bites and then I will feel bad. We have goten notice that the state plans to sell our house and since we are moving into a one story anyways it wont effect us. We may be on the hunt for ourselves though in the next few months if we havent had help finding one then wele be looking ourselves. There is not much available in my area so Im a little nervous about that but also excited for a new place. Baybes chair will be here finally hopefully in the next month and we will need a better place for her to be. Hope everyone is doing well, Peace and Love!! :)

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