Friday, July 24, 2009

Lovin Summer

Things have been going really well for the last few weeks. The most important thing going on right now is that Baybeblue is comin off her klonopin/clonazapam very well. She started out at 1/2 a pill in the morning and 1/2 a pill at night, then I dropped it to a 1/4 in the morning and 1/2 at night for a few weeks, then I did 1/4 in the a.m. and 1/4 in the p.m. and now we are down to "0" in the morning and 1/4 at night. She is very alert and is constantly moving and trying to get up. She has become very attached to her binky and now demands to have it all the time or else she is looking for it. She hasnt increased in her seizures at all but I have noticed some possible seizure activity involving her eyes. Its hard to tell because coming off the med is making her see clearer so she is always doing strange things with her eyes. I was suposed to have goten the new depakote by now with no sugar in it so we could get her levels more in range but when I went to go get all the meds there was a mistake on the new depakote and there was two sets of directions and two doses so they had to contact the doctor and I am still waiting three days later. Luckily I found a back up bottle of the liquid depakote so I am using that til they get it together. Also I have been dealing wih some bull having to do with her wheelchair/stroller that she is getting. I appreciate it so much that we are able to get this for her but when it was taking longer than it was suposed to I called the company and they said that the doctors never sent this paper called the medical necessity form so the process was just on hold. I went to ohsu that day and talked to dave olson and told him the paper wasnt there and that was the only thing keeping her from having it. He said that he would fix it so I waited. A few days later I contacted the company again and they said they hadnt heard anthing and told me that this usually doesnt happen and someone was dropping the ball in this situation. I called her primary doc and left several messages and finally a week later got a call back from her directly. She said she was sorry about the miscommunication and she would contact the company directly and fax them the paper and call me back. She never called me back so at 4pm I called the company again and they said they never heard from the doc. AHHHHHHHHHH. So Im not sure what the hell, but after they get that paper it will only take two weeks so Please let them get there stuff in order and help me out before I break my back. I also called the main manager of the tanning salon partially to tell them that I wouldnt be able to tan this month because of my financial situation and to ask about the progress of the fundraiser they were planning on doing for Baybe. The women had no idea who i was and said that they denied my request to not have to pay for the two months I was hospitalized with Baybe and didnt tan one time. She said that she would have someone call me but she never did so I dont know if they are still doing it for her. Makes me wonder alot about what he story really is. I took the plunge and went to my school to re-enroll in school. It is going to be so hard and take so much away from Baybe and the other two kids but I have no choice. EVerything has fallen apart in the last month and I have not had one day that I have not felt over whelmed and am constantly thinking about how I can come up with some money so I dont get any further behind. I am going to work with a career counceler but couldnt get an appt until aug 11. They will hopefully figure out what my options are for a career now and what classes I need to take to get there. Im very nervous and especially because they said that because I am enrolling late that I wont get any money for my books n tuition so I will have to come up with that money myself and then they would pay me back. So I am going to have to go to school for a while before I will be able ot get caught up on my bills. I cant even think about how hard it will be to stress about my bills and my school work on top of the kids. Makes me wish that august didnt even exist because it is going to be hard and that is suposed to be the best month in the year because it is my birthday on the 14th and it is lalas bday on the 7th. I want for my birthday this year to just have one day with no worries. I am very excited because I get to go to my favorite resteraunt for my birthday and I get to intoduce my family to the place. It is morracan food with belly dancers. The other two children are doing well. Taylor is spending a few days with his dad and Im missin him very much. He has mad some good friends in the neighborhood and spends most his days of summer outside playing with them. Layla is busy planning her birthday party which this year will be a dance party. I told her she could invite as many people as she wants. I will empty the garage and decorate and get some snacks and music. She has begged me for months for her gift she wanted from me a guinea pig. We went around to all the petstores and suprisingly enough there isnt that much selection and the one she fell in love with got sold and they didnt think anymore were coming so we found one that was the right price and realy super cute for what its worth so she got it early. Not sure what his name is yet but he is really pretty all black with long silky hair. I always thought they were mean but he is so sweet and makes cute noises. I wish I would have had one of these when I was little instead of the rats. The coolest part is they eat veggies not anything gross. I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine it is going to be super hot outside this week and Im excited to play outside with the kids and get a free tan haha.

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