Friday, July 3, 2009

Baybeblue update

I havent blogged for a few but it is for good reason and that we have been busy havin fun together. Baybeblue is doing great with no problems what so ever. She is still having two seizures day but they are really mild somedays. I added a new video of how her seizures are right now. I have a tip on caring for the G-tube. Baybeblue was growing some extra skin around her hole and it was becoming irritated and causing it to bleed a little. Some people said it doesnt hurt at all but some said it can be painful but everyone saud that it would have to be removed in the clinic with some stuff that kills the skin and it would dry up and fall off. Again some people daid it doesnt hurt getting it removed and others said it hurts very bad so I was worried. Then we saw another doc and he predcribed me the cream trimcinoloe acetonide and told me to put it right on the skin myself. The skin just slowly went away and disapeared with no discomfort in like two days. Now everytime I see a little growing back I just add a little cream and its gone, I highly recomend this approach. We have been enjoying the sun very much and have adapted to Baybe. I am using her bath chair outside in a kiddie pool to let her play in the water and she loves it so much. We have hit the public pools too and even though I haven had the nerve to put her all the way in the water, she loves putting her feet in and handles the sun and heat very well. We have been working on some new hand signals so now she is waving "hi" and "bye" she is blowing kisses, saying more and all done and most recently learning peek a boo and clapping for fun all in hand signs. She is crazy active and it is really hard to keep her from getting all wrapped up in her cords. I talked with her ketogenic dietician and asked if maybe we could make her a little more ketogenic to try and knock out the last few seizures a day. She said it is possible so in the next few days I will be switching her formula recipe to put her deeper into ketosis. Im really wanting to have some great things to tell by the time we go to her next neuro appt so they will take her off some of the meds.

Just like I thought I am very stressed out about my financial situation since I am not going to school. I actually think that I am going to have to figure out a way to go back as soon as possible so that I dont get too far behind in my bills. Im going through this whole transition phase in my life right now I guess. Not only because of my situation with Baybe or the fact that I am getting old but Im realizing that all of the people who were apart of my life, are just not really there anymore. I dont think that any of them mean to be gone, its just kind of like whoah I woke up one morning and realized that all of my friends are in relationships or super involved in other things going on in there lives and no one just has time to hangout. I dont know anyone who is a single mom like me. I dont even know anyone with kids to hangout with its crazy I have always had tons of friends. Its hard when your in my situation because you dont want to try to hard and force yourself to be around people you dont really like but then if you ont try then you will just sit in your house and never meet anyone. Really at the age of 30 where else is there to meet new friends besides a bar? I dont want to go to bars and Baybe cant get in anyway so what are my options? I am happy for all the people in my life for finding the next step in there lives but I am just left wondering what mine will be. FInding love is hard enough in this world without all the stipulations that I have in my life, is it even a possibility? I watched that movie, hes just not that into you, and I cant believe what a good job they did showing how confusing and unpredictable yet predictable love can be.

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