Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting Adjusted

So I called the doctor about Baybes eye and they wanted to see her. We got an appt for 4pm and drove up to OHSU again. Right when we got there Baybeblue opened up her eye and looked like nothing was wrong so I looked super paranoid.

Yesterday when we woke up I was trying to get the whole schedule of everything down and it wasnt going great so I was late on her meds. She was alert and focused and wide awake and then I gave her meds and she passed out. I found a Bed sore starting on her booty and freaked out and calle dthe DOc again. They never called me back but I researched it and decided to treat it with vitamin E oil and zink powder and keeping it bandaged.
Oh my god the food pump beeped all night long and I hardly got any sleep but the good news is Baybe only had 2 seizures all night and 5 all day today which is significantly less than normal. I also noticed that today her seizures were only part of the normal ones. Everything but the clenching and holding her breath. This is really good but she add a little bit of a cry which I cant tell is part of the seizure or a real reaction to something hurting. Im exhausted! Im cant seem to get down a smoothe system with everything and it just takes forever and then I have to clean the house and barely look at my school work and then I still feel bad because I hae no time to just hold her and love her and do nothing else. I haveno doubt that Iwillget it all organised soon enough but for now I need to use more strength than ever before to keep me afloat. Im sothankful to all my understanding teachers or I will be screwed. The other thing is that her ketones are really low now and Im not sure why and her blood sugar is staying higher than suposed to ranging between 80 and 90 instead of 55-80. I called dietician and they said it was ok unless she hadincrese seizures which isnt happening. Baybeblue also got a bad burn again from the sensor on her toe connected to the pulse oximeter. I am treating that with vitamin e also and called doc again. They said I was doing the right thing. I need to start figuring out what to do about getting her a special bed that prevents bed sores because she got one even though i move her all the time. Im super paranoid about that now.

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