Sunday, February 5, 2012


I am writing this passage to ammend this blogs info and to explain to the world what really happened to Baybeblue. Until now for the last four years I have had 2 different attourneys working on my case against LEGACY EMANUEL HOSPITAL, because of the lawyers and the thought of future trial I left there name out of everything as to not hinder the trial. Now I recieve a letter from my lawyer saying he gives up and by the way the statute of limitations runs out soon so you better hurry if you want to do something... I am devastated. I took my daughter Baybeblue for an EEG to checkout her seizures, a new tiny only noticable by me eye flutter had shown up. Other than that we were working on physical therapy and she was walking around in a walker holding her head up, sitting in a high chair eating food on her own, eating baby food off a spoon, and holding her own bottle and drinking it which was her life, her bottle was her passion!! After the EEG the Dr Pohowalla told us he saw something on her eeg and we needed to go to legacy and be admitted right away... I didnt see why but I trusted them. On admission Baybeblue was given several new seizure medications and with this all being new, I again trusted them and let them do what they wanted to my Baybe. They put her to bed on a med pump which there is a picture of at the beginning of this blog. About 30 min or so after I fell asleep next to her I woke to strange noises and saw her wrenching and gasping for air. I called the nurses and they called respitory help and they had to revive her and help her breath she was ok and breathing but never woke up through all of it.... The next morning I waited for her to wake up with still NO EXPLANATION offered as to what happened and she never woke up. I tried everything and she was unresponsive. I demanded to see her records to see what they had given her and the doctor told me no, I was refused her medical records for four days while she stayed in a coma ( still with no explanation) I was even told that she may never wake up. I brought her there for an eye flutter and now she could die?? I was hysterical and confused and not one person knew what they were talking about. One night of her coma, I was laying in the bed with her and she started shaking violently but it wasnt a seizure, it was like she was freezing. I called the docs again and they were totally clueless running around like a bunch of hamsters and still no explanation. FInally on day 4 my little girl opened her eyes and although barely and she was still limp but she was waking up, I was happy and angry at the same time. One this day a "social worker" came in our room and said we are sorry no one should have ever kept your daughters medical records from you so here they are we can look at them together. I had 3 witnesses plus me and the caseworker. I looked through the file skipping over erelavent garbage until I found the page from that night. I read down the list of meds and when I got to the one they put her to bed on (phenobarbitol) the dosage amount was scribbled out with no anitials or explanation for why it was scribbled out of an official document. They slammed the file shut and said they would get to the bottom of it. I NEVER SAW THAT PAGE AGAIN!!!! WHen Baybeblue woke all the way she was very weak and they took her for testing. It was then I got struck with the first most painful blow, they said she lost her swallow and her gag reflex so we must now shove a tube down her nose so she can eat. I wish I would have known that before that night it would have been the last bottle I would ever watch her cute little butt chug down and passout with milk all over her face :(( They said no more intake by mouth period. I was so angry and non trusting that I took the first opportunity to be transfered with her by amulance to OHSU Doernbecher childrens hospital. Before we left we asked that her records be sent with us and they said of course.... when we arrived to OHSU and Baybe was crying in horrible pain because they put the nose tube in wrong at legacy which ended up leaving an open wound across her face. The second thing I did was grab the medical files and searched though hundreds of pages of non sense and i got done looking through all the pages and it wasnt there, the only page I wanted, the only proof, was gone. The hospital tried multiple times to request the paper with no responce. I demanded to speak to the nurse that scribbled it out and what a coincidence the hospital said she got called away on a family emergency out of town and was unable to be contacted!!! CAN YOU SAY COVER UP????? I waited as long as I could before they finally told me she wasnt regaining any of her skills and she would need surgery to put in a more perminant feeding tube directly into her belly (g-tube) I cant even put into words how hard that day was for me. My little girl they took so much from her and because I had retained a lawyer, ohsu stopped discussing anything that happened prior to her arriving there (because the hospitals have a rub eachothers back policy) We stayed for the next year and a half trying to figure out what else they did to her. SHe had fevers every night, was on oxygen to help her breath, she had horribly increased seizures up to 80 or more a day. She kept getting hypothermia and at one point her organs released all there fluid into her body so she swelled up like a balloon and was covered in a bright red rash and couldnt breath, they had to rush her to ICU for a blood transfusion?!? STILL NO EXPLANATION for any of it, they had no idea the entire time why all this stuff was happening. I kept my mouth shut and only talked to my lawyer and he promised he would help. What he did was hold my case and do nothing until the statute of limitations almost ran out and then dumped me. We just had another swallow study a month ago, I was so hopeful for any better news. She asperated on the first bite and at 5 years old is still not allowed to enjoy the one thing in life she loved so much FOOD!!! My baybeblue never learned how to hold anything again let alone her bottle and still cannot bear any weight on her legs. I can except that god gave me a child with special needs but that child could eat on her own and walk around and made tons of baby talk and now she cant do any of that, they stole that from her, they took what is most valuable, quality of life. I will keep fighting and I will make people aware, I have no lawyer now and I have nothing to loose. I will be blasting my story and Legacies mistakes every where I can until they get so sick of hearing about it they are forced to listen to me. They do not save lives they do the bare minimum. ANd Im definetly not the only Mom I know that wants to throw up when I see you ridiculous commercials saying how wonderful you are. LEGACY EMANUEL HOSPITAL you are the worst place I have ever been and you killed a part of my child and covered it up to protect yourself, you are selfish and unorganized and uncaring and made it so I will never trust another doctor again. Heres baby before the "incident" shes never held another thing since this time.

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